Community to community learning
November 5, 2014
<p><span>We've long argued that community development and in particular, work to build the capacity of communities, is best done by other communities. If communities who have already gained the experience and have built their own capacity were able to support other communities to grow and develop, it would be a far better use of public funds than the perennial system of paying ‘experts’ to parachute into communities then disappear again. Maybe, just maybe, this pilot project of SCCAN’s is a sign of things to come.</span></p> <p>5/11/14</p>
Scottish Communities CAN is inviting applications from community groups to take part in a project that should benefit them through expert advice and support on climate action community engagement. There is also paid work available for peer coaches / mentors.
This is a demonstration project funded by Scottish Government, the learning from which will be evaluated and shared with other communities.
Support from the project will be provided during February-August 2015. Community group participants will be chosen according to their potential to benefit from taking part; geographic coverage; and the focus of planned community engagement (e.g. energy efficiency, waste reduction, food and growing).
Coaches / mentors will be drawn from a pool which might include other community projects with practical experience (peer to peer), consultants and academics. They will be matched to participant projects based on their expertise, and the participant’s needs.
For more info, and application form, visit . Closing date for community groups seeking support – 30 November 2014.
Interested in being a coach / mentor? Paid work available! If you would like to put yourself forward as a Coach, funded by Scottish Government to provide peer-to-peer support on community engagement to participant community groups, the closing date for applications is 10 November 2014. See for details.
We also need an independent Evaluator, funded by Scottish Government. The closing date for applications is 10 November 2014. See details.