Better late than never
August 9, 2022
There’s always a danger with so many crises unfolding simultaneously, that we either become inured to them or adapt to a state of crisis as a way of life. Often coupled with the climate crisis but in fact largely separate and with different actions required, is one that gets less press than most - the biodiversity crisis. As ever, somewhat late in the day, the Scottish Government needs to engage community support for its strategy to develop Nature Networks and to protect 30% of our land and sea by 2030. A Discovery Workshop is being organised for later this month.
Author: NatureScot
The Scottish Government 2020 Statement of Intent on Biodiversity outlined the commitment to protect at least 30% of our land and sea for nature by 2030 (30×30 Target). The 2021 Programme for Government committed to the deployment of Nature Networks. These two are key components in increasing ecological connectivity and restoration of nature more widely, helping to deliver the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy.
Scottish Government has commissioned NatureScot to;
- To develop and publish a National Framework and Implementation Plan for terrestrial delivery of 30×30 in Scotland
- To develop and publish a National Framework setting a clear vision, principles, and approach for local delivery of Nature Networks in Scotland
The 30×30 and Nature Networks frameworks will be developed over the coming year. A co-design approach will be adopted to deliver the two Frameworks including vision, key principles, and implementation plan. Find out more about how and why we are using the co-design approach.
There is close alignment and support of other area-based commitments to nature restoration including a new National Park and the Nature Restoration Fund.
Next event
The next event will take place digitally 2pm-4.30pm on 18 August 2022. This Discovery Workshop follows on from the launch event, as we continue to explore and define the challenges we wish for 30×30 and Nature Networks to address. This is an open event for those wishing to input to the design of the 30×30 and Nature Network frameworks in Scotland and you do not need to have attended the first event to attend this workshop. Please register here. In the workshop we will be using the online workshop tool, Conceptboard. To ensure we get the most out of the workshop please get familar with the platform before attending. We have provided a practice board and guidance here.