
Transport poverty looms

September 19, 2022

Just as we become familiar with multiple forms of poverty - fuel, food, in-work etc - a new one comes into view. The prospect of transport poverty, especially in rural parts and for the most disadvantaged urban communities, now looms large when the Scottish Government’s lockdown support for bus services comes to an end next month. Many unprofitable routes are likely to be withdrawn forcing those who can least afford it into car ownership. And all this has serious implications for Scotland’s 166 community transport providers. CTA’s recent update on the health of the sector raises some serious questions.


Author: CTA

More Than a Minibus report

Our new More Than a Minibus report powerfully illustrates the diversity and impact of Community Transport in Scotland. It’s packed with analysis, data and insights into the sector in 2021. Read our report to learn about:

  • Our key findings and conclusions
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the sector
  • Key challenges facing the sector – from the cost of living crisis to driver shortages
  • How CTA members are tackling climate change, loneliness, poverty and more
  • Scale of the sector’s net zero funding gap
  • Our 9 recommendations for UK, Scottish and local government – as well as for operators, funders and stakeholders
  • CTA’s plans for the future
  • You can download the report here.

Community Transport Map of Scotland

Our extensive research has also enabled us to build the first-ever map of Community Transport in Scotland featuring every one of our 168 members in urban, rural and island communities across 30 out of 32 local authorities.

We hope that our map will be a useful resource for:

  • New and existing operators to identify and collaborate with their peers and neighbours
  • Politicians, policymakers and regulators to implement policies and strategies which recognise and help our sector
  • Funders and stakeholders to understand and respond to the financial needs of our sector
  • Volunteers, passengers and the public to find services and opportunities near them

The map is interactive, searchable and available here on Google Maps.

We will keep the map under review on an ongoing basis and make updates where possible and necessary. The map is based on survey responses from CTA members or, where we did not receive input, our own desk-based research.