
The power within

August 31, 2021

Despite the ongoing disconnect between our mainstream health and social care systems and community led services, there are some parts of the vast NHS edifice that regularly talk to and even appear to recognise the value of the community sector’s contribution.  Recently, working with ihub (Healthcare Improvement Scotland),  SENScot and community development charity, Outside the Box, held a series of conversations with community led providers to try to articulate what communities bring to the table and what the sector needs to really flourish. Their short report - The Power in our Communities is well worth a read.


Author: Outside the Box, SENScot

The Power in our Communities 

About these discussions :

On 15th June 2021, the Innovation Hub (ihub) at Healthcare Improvement Scotland held an online event – The Power in our Communities: Catalyst for Change. This drew together presentations about work that ihub had led and supported over the past year or so and updates on related work on ways to make social care work well for people and the learning from Covid on the contribution and impact of community responses. 

Outside the Box and SENScot hosted 3 events for the community sector. We want to thank everyone who contributed and hope you will use this as part of conversations and planning in your organisations and communities.

See full report here