Bringing East End Together
January 30, 2008
When a lack of affordable transport became a barrier to young people from East End of Glasgow and stopped them from taking part in sports and other leisure activities, the community decided to step in.
Author: LPL
In parts of Glasgow’s east end getting from A to B is far from easy for young people. Turf wars between rival gangs of youths means that access to certain streets is off limits for youngsters from “the wrong area” who consequently have to take circuitous routes to get to where they want to go. Getting to a swimming pool or a local youth club is not as straightforward as one might imagine.
To tackle the problem Iain Mulholland, a local community activist, set up Bringing the East End Together (BEET) several years ago. Transport is one of the project’s key services. With ambitions for further growth, BEET currently has 3 minibuses which pick young people up from their homes and take them to exactly where they want to go. Often the public transport system doesn’t quite work for the youngsters but BEET’s transport service solves the problem. Other activities include the establishment of a youth pub to act as a meeting place and organising opportunities for the youngsters to meet people of the same age from other countries.
For more information check the BEET website at